For clients who prefer an outsourced ticket management model, have our Client Services Team take on all of your day-to-day administrative tasks.

Inventory Lifecycle
Have Concierge Live set up all of your online ticketing systems and architect your workflow. From there we can manage and maintain all of your inventory creation, permission settings and configuration.
Our staff can receive, check-in, package and store physical tickets/items in an access controlled space. You determine the delivery timeframe and shipping carrier. Concierge Live can also assist with mobile and electronic delivery needs.
Concierge Live can provide a custom scope of work based on any client’s needs. Have us create tailored reports and analytics that can be generated on your requested timeframe.
Venue Relationship
Need someone in place to liaise with venues on catering orders, ticket banks and standing room only seats? Make Concierge Live and extension of your team.